Sunday, October 11, 2015

Taken King last impressions

     After playing pretty much nothing but Destiny for the past few weeks, I have a few new thoughts and observations.  The Taken King was a step forward in a few ways for Destiny, and I do like some of the changes they made.  But they got a lot of things wrong.  I was maxed out on my characters for Vanguard and crucible marks when the Taken King dropped, and I got no legendary marks to compensate for them.  Bungie could've easily worked out a system to translate those marks and given us something, even if it was a small amount.  I realize they probably wanted everyone to start off at the same point so it was fair to all.  But wouldn't giving everyone a few new marks in return for the old marks do the same thing?  I'd like those hours of my life back!
     Another big problem is the tweaking and recycling.  Bungie gave us new strikes?  Awesome.  Not so awesome?  Taking an old strike and inserting some Taken into it randomly.  Its lazy and unnecessary.  And everyone keeps asking when I'm going to go back and get the Stranger's Rifle again because apparently there's a rumor it might be worth a crap one day.  Never.  That's when I'm going to go get it.  Never.
     Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things I love about Destiny.  The repetition is not one of them.  I'd really love to try the new raid, but I can't because I don't have enough light.  I can't even do nightfall yet!  My biggest problem is I simply don't have enough time to sink into the game.  It's great if you want to play with friends for a few hours, but when those hours get you nowhere it's kind of pointless.  If they'd cut back on the grind just a little bit, it'd make the game a lot more accessible for those of us with jobs and a life.  The only people I know that are uber powerful are old dudes and young kids who apparently have too much time on their hands.  Seriously, how do they have time do to schoolwork?  In any case, this'll probably be my last Destiny expansion.  I've enjoyed it, but I have too many other games I'd like to finish.  

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