Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Welcome to the dark side


     Or perhaps the emo side would be more accurate.  But more on that in a minute.  I really wanted to love Star Wars.  I went in expecting to be blown away, and for the most part I was.  The acting and special effects were top notch.  The storyline flows pretty smoothly for the most part, and it was great to see Han Solo and Chewie back in action.  (Yes they're my two favorite characters from the original trilogy).  There were a few miss-steps, however, that seemed completely avoidable.  Kylo Ren, for example.  The actor did a great job, no complaints.  He was a little emo but I blame the director for that.  I was completely buying it until I learned he was the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia.  In no reality, if those two had a kid, would he look like that.  Tall, olive skinned, and black hair?  I don't think so.  That little thing called suspension of disbelief?  Just went right out the window.  In a movie about magic, essentially.  I don't know why, but it just seemed like an really odd casting choice to me.  Shouldn't they have picked someone at least halfway believable?
     Another thing that bothered me was Han Solo's death.  This is more a personal thing, since he is one of my two favorites.  But why bring him back just to kill him?  It was traumatizing and very sad.  Then everyone was like "oooo they found Luke Skywalker."  No offense to Skywalker fans, but I could give two shits.  Give me Han Solo back!  Ok end of that rant.
     Just one more thing bothered me about the film.  (This is the last one, I promise.)  Rey defeating Kylo Ren in lightsaber combat?  Unlikely.  Sure she can use the force, but so can he and he's had a buttload of training.  It'd be like me picking up a sword and expecting to defeat a medieval knight in combat.  (Sort of.)  I'd get my butt handed to me.  And the move where she kept trying to hit Kylo in the shoulder with the tip of the saber?  What is that called again?  Perhaps the "I have no clue what I'm doing"?  Ok I'm done now.  Will I go see the next Star Wars?  Absolutely.  For the most part it was a very enjoyable film.  Let's just hope it's got a few less kinks than the Force Awakens.