So far I've played about 10 hours and I've not unlocked that much yet. There's not a whole lot of side stuff to do; I'm hoping that changes further into the game. The map is a decent size, but so far it's kind of empty, except for collectibles that serve no purpose. (That I can see). You can rob stores but it doesn't net you a lot of cash; I usually haul in $20 to $50 dollars.
The missions are pretty straightforward: kill the goons and take out the boss. Hopefully there will be a little variety down the road. They do take place in memorable places at least. So far the best one has taken place at an abandoned carnival. It killed my love of carnivals, I can tell you that. Actually that's a lie, the only reason I go to carnivals is because they're slightly creepy. Even when they're brightly lit and full of people. Carnivals are like miniature Halloween Horror nights, except a lot cheaper and not as scary. But I digress.
Speaking of scary, the AI leaves a lot to be desired. You can usually get away with killing goons right in front of each other and they don't react. Witnesses will usually call the police when you commit a crime but it's easy to knock them down. Pedestrians don't react when they're crossing the road and you honk at them. Nor do they run in fear when you almost run them over. They just keep walking sedately along. Out of all the stores I've robbed, not one has reported me to the police, despite being full of people. Maybe I've gotten lucky. I'll continue to test this theory as I go.
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