Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    I'm sure you've all heard Konami is no longer making AAA titles.  I'm a big fan of Castlevania, so his makes me very sad.  I decided to change the background of my blog to a Castlevania theme in protest.  I'm sure that will make them change their minds and make more Castlevania games.  Not.  Oh well.  I never did finish the sequel to Lords of Shadow, so I'll have to give it another crack.  It was a disappointing game to be honest but I have to get my fix somehow.  Maybe I'll just replay Symphony of the Night instead!  I really can't believe that they're going to drop a series as popular as Metal Gear Solid is, or was.  I've heard the new game is struggling to sell units, so perhaps it's not as popular as it once was.  It'd make sense financially for Konami to sell the rights to another developer, so maybe we'll see more games in the future?  Probably not but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
     To mention something totally unrelated next Thursday is the 1st of October so I'll be decorating for Halloween.  Its my favorite holiday so I go all out, I'll post pics when I get everything done.  One crappy thing about living in the south, Halloween isn't a big deal.  Actually a lot of people refuse to celebrate it, which really sucks.  But anyways I'll get pics up if anyone is interested, probably by Friday. It takes two days to decorate so hopefully it'll be done by then.  If anyone wants to share their Halloween photos, or anything gaming related, they're welcome to post them to my facebook page.

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