Monday, May 11, 2015

Birth of a gaming blog

     I was inspired to start a gaming blog awhile ago, mostly because I thought it might look good on a resume.  My goal is to be a gaming journalist, but we'll see how that goes.  My other reason for doing a blog is I love talking about games and the news that goes with them.  I moved recently from a college town to a non-college town, so there's not too many people to do that with anymore.  I realized  how much I missed my gaming friends and coworkers. and so this blog was born.  My hope is to get at least a few followers that like to talk gaming as much as I do.   I'll be writing at least a short post every day, nothing worse than a blog that never gets updated! There's some awesome games coming out shortly that I'm excited to talk about, so I'll be posting about those soon.  I don't plan on talking just about games, there's plenty of good TV shows and movies to discuss too.  If you think you'll like my blog, feel free to share it on Twitter or Facebook or anywhere else if you'd like. I'll be grateful for the help in spreading the word!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read more! Hoping you might discuss some books too. I'm always interested in hearing what others like, I've found some cool stuff that way!
