Tuesday, August 30, 2016

No Man's Sky final thoughts-here be spoilers!

     I had high hopes for No Man's Sky, I really did.  It looked to be one of the best games of 2016.  Unfortunately, the reality fell far short.  For such an ambitious game, there's literally no point to playing it.  There's no storyline.  There is some lore, but to read it you have to learn the alien languages.  You WILL kill yourself, if you actually try to learn all the words--out of sheer boredom. Trust me, I know.  I tried.  I gave it up just before I did a swan dive off a cliff.
   The combat isn't too bad, once you get the hang of it.  It took me a few times but I got there.  The problem is the enemy ships fly circles around you while you try to track and shoot them.  Why can't the player do that?  I tried it once; it got me blown up.  I cannot swoop and shoot at the same time, the game makes it impossible.  So you kind of feel like a sitting duck.  It could use some improvement.
     There is at least a goal, to reach the center of the universe.  Everyone knows that.  It's been one of the biggest mysteries of the year.  What's at the center of the universe?  It's heartbreak, in case you're wondering.  Because the game resets and puts you right back at the beginning, with a broken ship and no supplies.  Unless you have 10 atlas stones.  In which case you can create a new universe, for a new traveler to explore.  No, you don't get to explore it.
     Which is a shame, maybe those new planets wouldn't all look alike.  Exploration could have been one of No Man's Sky saving graces.  People love to explore.  I love to explore; even in a video game.  But there has to be some variety besides three basic models; forest, rock and snow--that's it. Perhaps I got unlucky, and there's a desert planet I missed.  I don't know.  I can't be bothered to find out, it's too boring and that cliff will start to look inviting again.  Save yourself some trouble, and pick another game to play.  Rebel Galaxy is much better, and it's only $20.  (Plus it's influenced by Firefly).  

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