Sunday, June 5, 2016

Megacon loot pictures

     As promised I'm posting photos of Oberyn and the Hound up close.  The detail on them is really good, and I love that you can open and close the Hound's helm.  The pictures really don't do them justice, especially the Hound.  For some reason his eyes look a little weird in the photo but they don't look like that in real life.  After seeing these I'm a little disappointed that Dark Horse couldn't have done a better job with the Ned Stark figure, as it doesn't really resemble him that much in the face.  Oh and the last picture is not from Megacon, but something I picked up online.  I haven't decided whether to open it or not yet, since that destroys the value.  I really hate not to display it, so it'll probably get opened!  Let me know what you guys think!

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