Saturday, September 12, 2015

I stayed up til 3am this morning watching Supernatural.  I love that show.  I know its not the best show on tv but the actors and writers put a lot of heart into it.  I don't get to watch a lot of tv, as I don't have much free time.  But Supernatural is one of the two shows I'll actually sit down and watch(the other being Black Sails).  I love the music, and the car, and everything about it really.  Did I mention the car?  If they would just get rid of Castiel, and put Crowley in his place.  I know I know everyone loves Castiel, I'm just not a fan.  I love Crowley's wit and he has really good chemistry with Sam and Dean.  I think it could work!  Maybe I should send the idea to the show's writers....

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